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Map Of Kalani High School

Team Job Assignments
We should find out if Mr. Belnap is organizing this.

Note To Coaches

Schedule for Tech Presentations, Mission, and Project Presentations
notice, the interviews are scheduled one after the other, so be ready to do two in a row.

Code Of Team Names and Numbers
the one at the bottom is my team. Yes, there are 5 Punahou teams.
Iolani has a pretty good team as well.

It also includes your team's number which should have been given to you ages ago. Apologies for the late post, I just got it today from my coach. Apparently there was a coaches meeting that nobody I know of from the team went to. This is the Coaches Packet that was distributed there. Someone would do well to download it and print a good copy. Some teams assign a parent to be the "scout", a very committed, organized parent or mentor who will help the team to get where they've got to go, at the time they're scheduled to, and generally be at the ready in case of disaster. If we have a scout, both them and the coach need to have this information at the ready. Not sure if you'll actually need a scout if who ever is going to be the "coach" is really organized.
Alrighty, i think that's it. See you all on Wednesday. Punahou should have snacks for everyone that day, I'm not sure, though, so we'll see. Oh yeh, I'll also email this packet out, but I'm not sure I have everyone's emails, so might as well post it, right?
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